3 Reasons Why I Love Doing Hot Yoga

Yep, you heard me right.

Skylar N. Groves
2 min readJan 12, 2022

1. Retain Flexibility

I used to do gymnastics from age 6–12 and then I was a competitive dancer from age 12–18. I joined the theatre company at my college for a little while and then eventually just settled for running because I couldn’t make the time commitment for theatre. While keeping up cardio is still essential, I wanted to also keep up some of the skills I performed when in dance and gymnastics. So in order to keep up my flexibility, I practice yoga which is a phenomenal way to stay “flexy” as my mom says because it is primarily stretching your body and getting those muscles nice and loose.

2. Strength

While it is primarily stretching, you also do a lot of planks and other exercise with just your body weight so you are building muscle while you workout. What I like most about building muscle through yoga is that I’m not building bulky muscles but rather I get more of a lean look which is really nice and it results in a physique that’s a lot closer to what I’m going for. Moving and grooving in 100 degree heat is no joke either! You feel crazy strong and crazy exhausted after one class, but as you keep going back you’ll begin to feel your body getting stronger and stronger.

3. Great Escape

Lastly, my third favorite thing about yoga is that it is a wonderful getaway from all the chaos going on each day. I escape to yoga from school a couple of times a week. It’s really nice to get off campus and just shake and breathe the day away especially if it was a stressful day. If it was a good day then I am super explosive and fun all the way through my practice. I also get to meet a lot of cool people at the yoga studio that I wouldn’t necessarily meet in the classroom or walking the halls. So it’s cool to meet other people that aren’t just your school mates. I guess that’s a bonus point. ;)

Overall, yoga is by far one of my favorite workouts. I’d highly suggest it to anyone who may want a workout that is super intense and has nothing to do with weights or running. You’d also get more of a lean look rather than a bulky one and you’ll be a lot more flexible. Let me know if you guys do yoga or have been thinking about it. Let’s get strong together!

